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每日一练 历年真题丨ACCA 考试模拟题:2019年4月11日(四)
摘要今天给大家带来的每日一练,是来自ACCA考试模拟题:记得做完在下拉看答案哦~ 【ACCA选择题】 第一题:If the price of coffee falls,which one of the following outcomes would be expected to occur? A A fall in the quant

  第一题:If the price of coffee falls,which one of the following outcomes would be expected to occur?

  A A fall in the quantity of coffee demanded

  B A rise in the price of tea

  C A fall in the demand for drinking cups

  D A fall in the demand for tea

  第二题:What is an inferior good?

  A A good of such poor quality that demand for it is very weak

  B A good for which the cross elasticity of demand with a substitute product is greater than 1

  C A good for which demand will fall as household income rises

  第一题:【D】Rationale:It is assumed that cut flowers and flower vases are complementary goods.The rise in price of cut flowers will have an adverse effect on demand for flower vases,and the demand curve for flower vases will shift to the left.Given no change in supply conditions for vases,the new equilibrium price for vases will be lower.

  第二题:【B】Rationale:As sea ferry tickets and hovercraft tickets are substitute goods,an increase in the price of hovercraft tickets will cause a shift to the right(increase in demand)for sea ferry tickets.Given no change in supply conditions,the consequence will be an increase in the number of sea ferry tickets sold,at a higher price than before.
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ACCA当中的Chartered全称为RoyalCharter,指的是其会员得到英国皇室授予皇家特许名衔,这个只有部分顶尖的组织和机构才会被授予;Certified为注册之意,指的是其会员行使的是具有法律效力的权益(所以鉴定一张证书是否是一张高含金量的证书,比较简单的方法就是看证书的全称当中是否有任何一个“C”) 。