C1: acquisitionand other growth strategies
Acquisitionand organic growth:
Organic Growth of Businesses
Organic growth is also known as internal growth.
It happens when a business expands its ownoperations rather than relying on takeovers and mergers.
Organic growth can come about from:
Increasing existing production capacity through investment in new capital & technology
Development & launch of new products
Finding new markets for example by exporting into emerging countries
Growing a customer base through marketing
External Growthof a Business
There are manypotential advantages:
Faster speed of access to new product or market areas
Increased market share / increased market power
Access internal economies of scale (perhaps by combining production capacity)
Secure better distribution channels / control of supplies
Acquire intangible assets (brands, patents, trademarks)
Overcome barriers to entry to target new markets
Defend a business against a takeover threat
Enter new segments of an existing market
To take advantage of deregulation in an industry / market
C2: Valuationfor acquisition and mergers
如果Financial risk 和 business 都么有改变:
1.Book value plus:这种方法主要用于break-upbasis, 一般题目中会把资产负债表给出,然后根据题目的要求进行计算。资产的计量有replacementvalue,historicalvalue和netrealizable value 等,一般来说replacementvalue 加goodwill是最大的。Break-upvalue of the asset是这个公司能接受最低的报价。
2.Marketrelative models,PE ratio计算,PE ratio在涉及收购未上市公司时,基本上都是需要调整以后才能用来计算的。
4.EVA economic value added (EVA)is an estimate of a firm's economic profit ,or the valuecreated in excess of required return the ofthe company's shareholders.EVA is the net profit less the equity cost of the firm's capital. The idea isthat value is created when the return on the firm's economic capital employedexceeds the cost of that capital. (Wikipedia)。公司税后经营利润扣除债务和股权成本后的利润余额,是经济学家称之为剩余收入的一种概念。
5. DVM
只有financialrisk 改变:
Financial 和 business risk 都改变了:
3.这里要注意的是,要计算combinedWACC,需要一个weightedaverage asset beta,所以要把两个公司的betaasset都算出来,然后根据市值加权平均,之后就能根据资本结构算出来equitybeta,然后就可以用WACC.
a. 假设现金流的增长是永续的,这个假设不一定在题目中就是这样的,题目中很多项目的期限都是有限的;
b. 合并公司的asset beta 是基于两个公司的各自的市值来计算权重,比如A*60%+B*40%,主要是理论,简化计算,在真正的操作中肯定不是这么草率的;
c. 计算中用到的数据,都是估算,这个很正常,大多数模型都存在这个问题
C4: Financing acquisitions and mergers
D: financial reconstruction and financial reorganisation
Demergers,sell-off,unbundling and asset stripping:
a. Focuson core or profitable business
b. Toreact to changes in strategic focus
c. Tosell off unwanted assets or unprofitable business to obtain cash
d. Tocapture “reverse synergy”
e. Toremove co-insurance benefit from debtholders
f. To meet regulatory requirements
(Source: opentuition)
Management buyouts:
1.MBO还是比较重要的。首先要了解reasonsfor MBO, 其次要知道MBO可能存在的问题
2.Reasonsfor a buyout
a. Fromthe buyout team’s point of view
i. To obtain ownership of the business ratherthan remain as employee。不敢打工,翻身做主人
ii. To avoid redundancy when the business isnot good怕被裁员
b. Fromthe seller’s point of view
i. To dispose of part of the company thatdoes not fit in with the overall strategy of the company
ii. To dispose of a loss-making segment of thebusiness which the directors do not have time or inclination to turn around
iii. In order to raise cash
iv. It is often earlier to arrange amanagement buyout than to try and sell off parts of a business in the openmarket
v. It may well avoid redundancy costs, strikeaction.
(Source: opentuition)
a. 主要问题就是management可能没有统筹全局的能力。
b. 其次可能没有钱
c. 法律上的一些问题
4. Providersof capital
a. Theclearing banks
b. Merchant
c. Pension
d. Venturecapital
e. Governmentagencies
(Source: opentuition)
Capitalreconstruction schemes:
a. 企业重组,是对企业的资金、资产、劳动力、技术、管理等要素进行重新配置,构建新的生产经营模式,使企业在变化中保持竞争优势的过程。
b. 企业重组无非就三种情况,一是现在盈利有问题,想要置之死地而后生,第二种是为了谋求更好的发展,第三种就是存在合规问题。细分下来有以下几种原因,仅供参考:
i. Change thenature of business. 如果企业性质改变,如果从业务A转移到业务B,那么设备和人员都会要做很大的调整
ii. Downsizing. 减员,扁平化管理。当企业层级过多,管理出现问题时,怎么会做这件事
iii. New workmethods. 比如说把一个原来既设计又生产的企业,现在决定把生产外包,只做设计
iv. New managementmethods. 新的管理模式,比如从集中权利到下放。
v. Quality management. 如果没有形成好的质量管理,企业会出现很多问题,审计这关可能也过不了,这时候就需要大的整顿
vi. Technology. 技术过时就会失去竞争力,比如诺基亚在经历安卓打击之后,就会进行重组
vii. Mergers and acquisition. 为了更好的整合
viii. Financial issues,缺钱,就会重新清点财物,让资产发挥作用,卖掉不太需要的,获得现金流
ix. Buy-outs. 比如管理层收购,终于翻身做主人,要把自己以前被老板退回的设计方案都实现,就会大动干戈
x. 法律以及合规问题
a. Evaluatethe position of each party if liquidation were to go ahead.老板怎么样,管理层怎么样,员工怎么样,他们都有些什么要求
b. Assesssources of finance. 想办法筹钱,比如贷款,出售资产
c. Designthe reconstruction
d. Calculateand access new position/ marginal costs and returns to each group separately,and compare with a. 确认你的方案下,这个利益相关者的情况下是什么样的,跟a对比,看看这些人是否能接受这个方案
e. 最后checkthe financial availability for the reconstruction
E1: Treasury function
What does treasury function do:
Treasury functionundertakes a range of complex and skilled tasks; liaises with internal andexternal stakeholders and plays a key role in the smooth functioning andvalue creation of an organization.
The advantage of setting up a treasury function:
其实就是资金集中管理的优势(Source: 百度文库Monica copyright)
The centralised treasury department should beable to evaluate the financing requirements of the group as a whole and it maybe able to negotiate better rates when borrowing in bulk.
The department could operate as an internal bankand undertake.
3.matching offunds. Therefore it could transfer funds from subsidiaries which have sparecash resources to ones which need them, and thus avoid going into the costlyexternal market to raise funds.
4. 进行多边抵消,作为一种外币对冲的方式来降低外汇损失。The department may be able to undertakemultilateral internal netting and thereby reduce costs related to hedgingactivity.
5. 同一功能的专家和资源集中在一起,避免多余的费用。Experts and resources within one location couldreduce duplication costs.
6. 更利于做有效率的决定,更高质量的风险监督和控制。The concentration of experts and resources withinone central department may result in a more effective decision-makingenvironment and higher quality risk monitoring and control.
7. 更利于多样化的投资,为公司创造财富。Further, having access to the Keshi Co group’sentire cash funds may give the company access to larger and more diverseinvestment markets.
8. These factorscould result in increasing the company’s cash inflows, as long as the benefitsfrom such activity outweigh the costs.
E2: Foreign exchange hedging
Types of foreign exchange risk:
1.Translation risk:转换风险,只是账面问题,一般不用处理;
2.Economic risk:由于宏观经济的问题,可能是一些货币长期看来趋于贬值,另一些是增值,这个就是非人力所能改变,但是还是可以采取措施的,虽然作用可能不大。比如人民币长期如果是增值的,肯定不利于出口,那么我们可以选择建立分公司在别的国家来降低成本;
3.Transaction risk:非常普遍,数额大的时候基本上不能不管,我们所学的hedgetechniques就是用来处理交易外汇风险的。
Internal techniques:
1.Invoicein home currency. 只收本币,只付本币的话就把外汇风险转移给交易对手方了。但是要是对方能够找到愿意收外币,或者付外币的公司,这笔生意可能就没有了;
2.Leading and lagging.如果一个进口商预计要支付的货币未来会贬值,也就是将来只需要付较少的钱,就会延迟付款。 This may be achieved by agreement or by exceeding credit terms.
如果出口商要收到的钱将会贬值,那么他就会想办法让人家早点付钱。This may be achieved by offering a discount for immediate payment.
Matching,when acompany has receipts and payments in the same foreign currency due at the sametime, it can simply match them against each other. 以后既要收也要付,尽量调整到一个时间。
External techniques:
• 远期合同的原理:把将来换汇的汇率在今天就确定
• 远期合同的结果:将未来汇率变动的风险和收益都转移给了远期合同的交易对手方(一般是银行)
• 远期合同的计算:用要收到的外币或者要付出的外币除以相对应时间的远期汇率
• 计算中买卖汇率的选择(你永远是吃亏的那一方):
2. Money market hedge
• MMH的原理:直接在今天进行exchange
• MMH的目的:避免风险(Forward 是转移风险)
• MMH的计算:借换存还。
• 计算中要注意的点:
Forward信息属于干扰Currency futures
3.Currency futures
• 外汇期货和远期其实差不多,但是由于期货Future是标准化的,时间只有几个选择,在期限不匹配的情况下,要用这个in proportion to time 的方法预测,比如说题目只给了3个月和6个月的,然而需要对冲的风险是4个月的,那么我们就根据3个月的汇率+1/3(6个月的汇率-3个月的汇率)来计算。
• 另一个问题就是金额不能完全对冲,买多少个合同,如果还有比较大的金额不能对冲,剩下可以用forward。
• 计算比较简单
4. Currency options
Options forfuture,一样也是标准化size,不可完全对冲,期限也很可能不匹配的。Option需要:选期限,选callor put,这两步就可以选出期权费了。选好之后,在两个行权价下分别计算金额,通过这个金额就可以算出多少个contracts,四舍五入之后通过contracts数量算总的premium,不能对冲部分用Forward。这边描述比较简洁,如果不太清楚我在说什么,必须做题掌握.
5. Currency swaps
A currency swap, sometimes referred to as a cross-currency swap, involvesthe exchange of interest and sometimes of principal in one currency for thesame in another currency. http://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/currencyswap.asp#ixzz4qM9rlw7R
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• 英国公司借英镑,美国公司根据当时现货市场汇率,借等于那么多英镑的美元,期限相同。
• 英国公司之后就付美元贷款的利息,反正它有美元收入,美国公司也是一个道理
• 中间剩下来的利息怎么分配,就看题目的要求
• 到了到期日要还本金了,各还各的就可以。或者事先有约定的按照事前约定
E3:Interest rate hedging
1. 利率风险就是说你以后有一笔钱要存,担心利息降低,或者说以后要借一笔钱,担心利率上升
2. 对冲方式有FRA,Futures,options,swap(浮动固定)。其中FRA一般是:有效利率最美好,但是因为它是场外,风险也比较大,也不容易转让出去,Futures一般排第二,options的费用很高,如果说到达执行价的可能性不大,就不要选择
• Step 1: amount; period找到我们要用的那个利率,3v7的意思就是距离今天3个月后借或者存,距离今天7个月后还钱或者取钱;
• Step 2: 把利率算出来,因为给的forwardrate都是基准利率,在此基础上加一个difference(可能是负的);
• Step 3: Payment or receipt from the bank;
Step 4: Effective annual interest rate according to the total cashflows. Thisinterest rate should be equal to forward rate + difference
A:LIBOR+1%; 3%
B:LIBOR+0.8%; 2%
• Step 1: 选择每个公司的relativeadvantage的利率
• Step 2: 把没有被选的利率加起来减被选的,得到交换的Benefit,交换的benefit题目中都会给出分配方式,如果没有给,就假设是平分。
• Step 3: 从没有被选的利率减去好处,就是交换后支付的利率
• Step 4: 把SWAP方案写出来
• Step 5: 交换后的利率加上银行的手续费就是总的成本。
Futures and Options
1.Futures和 options 由于期限肯定是不匹配的,存在一个totalbasis和unexpiredbasis的问题,很多同学存在困惑。还有一个价格表示的问题,比如说未来的利率是5%,那么futures和options表示出来的价格就是95.0,这个知道就可以;
2.Totalbasis=future-spot price,接下来就要计算unexpiredbasis。详见DEC2013 Q2,我们有这道题目的详细讲解