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ACCA P1 Exam Tips March 2016
摘要前言 2016年ACCA考试F9科目最新的考前Tips已经出来了,请广大ACCA考生抓紧时间浏览,中国ACCA考试网预祝广大ACCA考生考试顺利! P1 Exam Tips March 2016 Kaplan Each P1 paper offers 4-6 marks for displaying professi
  P1 Exam Tips March 2016

  Each P1 paper offers 4-6 marks for displaying professional skills,which can easily be the difference between a pass and a fail.The marks are available for both format and the tone and style of your answer,where you may have to prepare a speech or write a letter on behalf of the Board addressing specific concerns.Take a look at the Article of 24 August 2009 for more guidance and some great hints on style.
  P1 is a very wordy paper,and the examiner wants to ensure that you have a good grasp of the theories behind the questions,but also that you can successfully apply the theories to given scenarios.Therefore,it is very easy to get lost within a question if your layout and approach to a question is poor.
  A good approach is to apply 3 rules in your answer:
  Introduction–this should be very short,but can help you get over any‘writers block’.It might include a read back of the question,or a definition of the subject matter(for example,if the question asks for the roles of NED’s,start by very quickly defining what an NED is)
  Theory–this section will show the examiner that you actually understand the issue being questioned,again,as with the introduction,this should really be kept short,it can be a section quote from the code,or a reference to an author(Cadbury or Greenbury et al).
  Application–This will be the main bulk of your answer and should relate directly to the scenario.This is often the most difficult section of the answer,but should be made easier by the use of the introduction and theory sections.
  In addition remember the golden rules of written questions:
  - Plenty of white space
  - Headings as required
  - Short punchy meaningful paragraphs
  Following are some of the famous topics that were tested in past
  - Corporate governance critique and improvements.
  - Effective internal control systems,reporting within differing jurisdictions.
  - Influence of and intervention by institutional investors.
  - Diversification of Board
  - Function and importance of internal audit.
  - Risk definition,analysis of risk and the role of the Board of Directors.
  - Risk correlation and strategies for management of such risks.
  - Ethical standpoints and their application to business decisions.
  - Corporate codes of ethics critique and improvements.
  - Tucker’s ethical decision making model.
  - Social and environmental footprint.
  - Sustainability accounting.
  - Integrated Reporting
  - Conflict of interest and independence
  - Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR)
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ACCA当中的Chartered全称为RoyalCharter,指的是其会员得到英国皇室授予皇家特许名衔,这个只有部分顶尖的组织和机构才会被授予;Certified为注册之意,指的是其会员行使的是具有法律效力的权益(所以鉴定一张证书是否是一张高含金量的证书,比较简单的方法就是看证书的全称当中是否有任何一个“C”) 。