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摘要Examiners report F4(CHN)CorporateBusiness Law For Paper Variant exams June 2015 General Comments The June examination introduced a format through which candidates were asked to answer 45 questions,worth 1 or 2 marks each,and 5 further questions worth
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  Examiner’s report
  F4(CHN)Corporate&Business Law
  For Paper Variant exams June 2015
  General Comments
  The June examination introduced a format through which candidates were asked to answer 45 questions,worth 1 or 2 marks each,and 5 further questions worth 6 marks each in 2 hours.All questions were compulsory.The question type of the questions in Section A was objective in that the correct answers had to be selected in order to earn marks.It was not possible to award marks when candidates offered more than the required number of answers or answered the same question more than once.While the question type of the questions in Section B was paper the scenario based questions,more or less same as the previous exams.The overall standard of scripts was satisfactory,suggesting that the majority of candidates had prepared well for the examination.
  Comments about Section A performance
  In terms of syllabus coverage,45 questions in this Section include most parts of the Study Guide outcomes,which means that candidates need to have a comprehensive understanding of the examinable topics and the detailed rules.Therefore,it is not easy for candidates to make a correct choice to the relevant question.However,candidates performed well.
  Sample question
  This section of the report discusses two questions which are important under the business laws of China which were difficult for candidates to answer...........

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