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每日一练 历年真题丨ACCA F1 考试模拟题:2019年6月9日(第30题)
摘要今天给大家带来的ACCA F1,是来自 ACCA考试 模拟题:记得做完在下拉看答案哦~ 【ACCA选择题】 23.5(a)Which two of the following are examples of misunderstanding in the communication process? A Slang is used in task instruct
  今天给大家带来的ACCA F1,是来自ACCA考试模拟题:记得做完在下拉看答案哦~


  23.5(a)Which two of the following are examples of misunderstanding in the communication process?

  A Slang is used in task instructions

  B A meeting goes on for too long for participants to pay attention to everything

  C An email sent to all employees using IT jargon

  D The sender of an email has not included details of the location of the meeting

  E A manager is constantly dealing with queries from subordinates and misses a meeting

  (2 marks)

  (b)occurs when an individual thinks that they have been wrongly treated by a

  colleague or supervisor.

  Which of the following correctly fills the blank?

  A Indirect discrimination

  B Direct discrimination

  C A grievance(1 mark)

  (c)The meaning of a message is lost at the coding and decoding stage.

  Which of the following is the correct term for this loss of meaning?

  A Feedback

  B Distortion

  C Noise(1 mark)

  23.5(a)A,C Slang or jargon could create misunderstanding if the recipient of the communication is

  unaware of the meaning.

  (b)C This is the definition of a grievance.

  (c)B This is the definition of distortion.
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ACCA当中的Chartered全称为RoyalCharter,指的是其会员得到英国皇室授予皇家特许名衔,这个只有部分顶尖的组织和机构才会被授予;Certified为注册之意,指的是其会员行使的是具有法律效力的权益(所以鉴定一张证书是否是一张高含金量的证书,比较简单的方法就是看证书的全称当中是否有任何一个“C”) 。