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摘要考ACCA想要申请牛津布鲁克斯大学OBU学位,没有英文证明怎么办?好消息ACCA官方已经突然取消了这一要求,也就是说ACCA学员在申请OBU学位时,可不用再考虑自身的英语能力的问题。 再送大家一



  Please note we have made a change to the eligibility requirements making it easier to obtain the degree.Oxford Brookes University have just aligned their English Language Proficiency requirements with those of ACCA meaning students no longer need to submit an English language qualification such as IELTS to ACCA for approval.The other eligibility requirements remain in place so please read on for more information.

  To be awarded the Oxford Brookes BSc(Hons)in Applied Accounting you must:

  Be registered with Oxford Brookes University ie have opted-in to the BSc degree scheme

  Pass the Financial Reporting(FR),Audit and Assurance(AA)and Financial Management(FM)exams and complete the other Applied Knowledge and Applied Skills exams by exam or exemption.Please be aware that students are required to successfully complete all nine Applied Knowledge and Applied Skills exams at least two months prior to the start of the submission period in which the student is seeking to submit

  Complete the ACCA Ethics and Professional Skills module according to the Research and Analysis Project submission dates

  Complete and pass the Oxford Brookes University Research and Analysis Project.

  If you are exempt from any of the Applied Knowledge and Applied Skills exams based on a qualification more than 10 years old,you would be required to forfeit all of the exemptions in order to opt in to the degree programme.

  The degree must be completed within 10 years of the earliest date of your first examination pass or the date of your first ACCA exemption being granted otherwise your eligibility will be withdrawn.
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ACCA当中的Chartered全称为RoyalCharter,指的是其会员得到英国皇室授予皇家特许名衔,这个只有部分顶尖的组织和机构才会被授予;Certified为注册之意,指的是其会员行使的是具有法律效力的权益(所以鉴定一张证书是否是一张高含金量的证书,比较简单的方法就是看证书的全称当中是否有任何一个“C”) 。