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摘要各位ACCA学员,2016年12月份ACCA考试,还剩下最后五天时间了,这个时候小编觉得再给大家分享什么考试题型之类的干货已经没有什么价值了。但相应的ACCA考试技巧和考试注意事项,还是很有必要的。因此小编今天再给大家唠叨唠叨: 应试技巧: 1、看清题目要求再下笔作答 Understand Question Requirements Read requirements of the question and the question carefully.Don,t miss any point or line,understand it completely and then start solving the question.Understanding the question is very important,this will result in no cutting and clear to the point answer which examiner wants. 2、答题需要直切关键点,不要乱写一通 Answer to the Point Marking scheme and answering to the point are relevant to each other.As above we have discussed how you should answer accordingly marking scheme the same case is here.When answering to the point you should try to write according to requirement,marks available for that query and the word used as query in question like as discuss,define,analyze,identify,explain,list etc.So this is a matter of common sense which applies here. 3、将答案写得井井有条 Structure up your Answers Examiner wants and appreciates well-structured an

  Understand Question Requirements
  Read requirements of the question and the question carefully.Don,t miss any point or line,understand it completely and then start solving the question.Understanding the question is very important,this will result in no cutting and clear to the point answer which examiner wants.
  Answer to the Point
  Marking scheme and answering to the point are relevant to each other.As above we have discussed how you should answer accordingly marking scheme the same case is here.When answering to the point you should try to write according to requirement,marks available for that query and the word used as query in question like as discuss,define,analyze,identify,explain,list etc.So this is a matter of common sense which applies here.
  Structure up your Answers
  Examiner wants and appreciates well-structured answers.Your answer should in adherence of questions requirements.The wording and solution should be simple and brief covering whole aspects of questions.This puts a good impression on examiner,the impression that you simply have tried your best to prepare your answers.And in case of time runs out,a solution just mentioning the key points of a question examiner may reward you a few good marks never thinking that the question is left incomplete.So always follow the required structure to gin some good marks easily.
  Facilitate the Examiner
  Always facilitate your examiner by following required structure,writing to the point,writing clearly and cutting on your answer sheet.
  Always follow the sequence of requirements and the questions.Mention questions or company name in question on each answer on start as title.Name the questions parts clearly as a,b,c,etc.Start your new question always on a new full page.Don,t mix up different questions.Do your workings on right place properly this will help the examiner in understanding that from where the figures used in questions have actually came and how the have been calculated.Mark the question numbers clearly always and take a look at to follow the sequence of sub-parts to avoid confusion.Always write in line and within the permitted area of answer sheet don,t write on corners or cross lines and leave for examiner to seek your answer.In short avoid confusing examiner,that,s all!
  Don't leave any question Unanswered
  Unanswered question puts a bad impression on examiner.if there is a time management problem or you are shortage of time try to just t format the answer,s major points but remember just in case when you are unable to complete the solution.Examiner will understand your problem and will reward you some good marks.So if you are just leaving your question completely unanswered the you might loose your marks and examiner confidence and this may contribute towards your failure.
  Always try to solve your paper up to fifteen minutes before the exam time.If luckily you have done this,then review your answers completely and make corrections where needed.But remember don,t overwrite again and again.
  After Exams
  Hummm now just go home,take proper rest,sleep well and enjoy your some time.After this again prepare yourself for next examinations immediately and avoid wasting your time.
  5.如果问题是:identify deficiencies and provider recommendations,请你把答题纸分成两栏,如有必要可以三栏
  6.需要好几步才能算出来的点,打working,并做好cross reference;


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ACCA当中的Chartered全称为RoyalCharter,指的是其会员得到英国皇室授予皇家特许名衔,这个只有部分顶尖的组织和机构才会被授予;Certified为注册之意,指的是其会员行使的是具有法律效力的权益(所以鉴定一张证书是否是一张高含金量的证书,比较简单的方法就是看证书的全称当中是否有任何一个“C”) 。